Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

GIMME : ASOS Edition

Thought I'd torture myself and browse through ASOS tonight and man I wish I hadn't! Shitloads of amazing stuff and no money to be had in my bank account D: Thought I'd share a few of my picks of the new in and a couple of random finds ENJOY :)

  1. ASOS Rainbow Hologram T shirt HERE - This is just dope. No other words.
  2. ASOS Colourblock Green leather biker HERE -  Green is my favourite colour, murky-love it.
  3.  Markus Lupfer Leather peg leg trousers HERE - Amazing fit! Leather all the way baby!
  4. Warehouse Fleur De Lys belt HERE -  Warehouse you dark horse you!
  5. ASOS Jewel Cross Earrings HERE - Tacky + big = ME
  6. Wildfox 1991 Sweatshirt HERE - Bet this is a bitch to clean but I'm from 1991 so YES!
  7. Cheap Monday cropped knitted jumper HERE - Why haven't I got a cropped knit yet? Why haven't we all??

Sleeping is for losers HA!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Houndstooth Swag

T shirt dress : H&M via charity shop £2
Houndstooth Trousers : Primark sale £7
Watch : Ebay

Organza Laces : Ebay + DIY 99p

Earrings : Primark £2
Necklace : 99p charity shop
Lipstick : Topshop Inhibition

HEY LOVELIES!!! I'm such a good mood today! Had a hilarious night withh my friend Jackie, don't have a hangover for the first Sunday in weeks and I'm feeling good :)  I'm just popping in to uni quickly to print off some reading and this is what I threw on. I am IN LOVE with my new houndstooth trousers from Primark, £7, so cheap and I love the stripes down the side of the legs. I feel like I'm back on the shopping bandwagon, never in my life have I shopped less than I have this month, genuinely think that's what's made me so sad, lack of new shit in my wardrobe wahhhh!I can't stop thinking about Christmas lately either, not gonna lie my Christmas list is getting pretty redonkulous so I'm going to do a Christmas list blog post soon...mainly for the benefit of my family/boyfriend who I know will see it :D What do you want most for Christmas guys? I want more ideas :)

Have a lush Sunday



Friday, 12 October 2012


Hey lovelies :) I'm currently snuggled under a blanket loving life, watching New Girl, I frigging love Schmit 'dolla dolla bells ya'll' LOL! I could go on...Anyway, thought I'd take the opportunity to share some of my recent purchases with you guys. I told myself this month I would only be shopping in charity shops, little did I know the American Apparel Outlet down the road would take over my life and being sad about how shit  uni is would make me reach for my bank card. I swear I cannot actually look at my bank account unless I am forced to pay rent or something. IT'S HARROWING. 

- Knit Midi dress from Miss Selfridge I got this with my uniform allowance from work, I love it!! It's bodycon and a little sexy with cut outs on the back whilst being warm and cosy for winter.
- Grey midi skirt from Primark
- Glittery midi skirt from Primark I've seen so many people wearing this skirt it's lush, the right length so pervy weirdos won't shout at you in East London
- American Apparel Easy Jeans I had these in light wash but I really wanted them in black, I got them for £34 in the Outlet and they are AMAZING! SO STRETCHY YAY FOR FAT ME :)
- American Apparel Riding pants I wanted these for a while and was so happy to find a pair in grey, they go with everything but they make me miss horse riding :(
- Primark skeleton print cut out shoulder studded shirt What more is there to say, this shirt is dope and already I'm getting into Halloween fever WOOOOOO!
- Gold and black belt  from Primark
- Hold ups Told you I'm getting Halloween fever - que slutty but well thought out home-made costume ideas
-American Apparel black denim circle skirt Not entirely sure this is me, a forgotten ebay purchase, may try and be girly soon :)

I've got to go get ready now, literally going raving with the freshers lol wish me luck..

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Acid wash, gold chain, DIY Ombre hair and this weeks lustlist

Polo neck crop top : Maxmara via charity shop , Acid wash Jeans : My sisters via ebay , 
Wedge Trainers : H&M , Necklace : Peacocks

Hey dudes! I'm back with a tan! Croatia was amazing, we caught the end of the Garden festival along with Electric Elephant, had fun with my most amazing Bristol girls, beauties from Dublin, saw some ace DJs and partied for 6 days straight. This photo sums up the week really HA!:

I am still poor as a church mouse so haven't been able to get my braids again BOO!! But I really wanted to change my hairstyle so I went ombre. I prefer this ombre look so much more to my pre blog pink dip dye, really subtle and didn't make it all break off! 

Also, I decided to take my eyelashes into my own hands and apply my own long lasting eyelash extensions (last photo) . I used to pay around a tenner to get them done in Peckham but I managed to do them myself with just £3.00 worth of lashes from a beauty shop and some weave glue! Now I know that sounds horrific but they are SO GOOD!! And they don't pull out my lashes when I remove them like the professionally applied ones, I might even do a Youtube video tutorial, so easy to apply and they last for like 2 weeks!

Anywhooooo payday is coming up and we both know I've already mentally spent that money :

  1. White silk polo neck dress : Topshop Unique AW12
  2. Last judgement leggings : BlackMilk
  3. Gorilla tank top : Romwe
  4. High waisted Easy Jeans : American apparel
  5. Cheetah T shirt as seen on Rihanna !!! : Katie Eary
  6. Bra top : Monki
  7. Eye jumper : Monki
  8. Flatform trainers : River-Island

Six days and counting :)

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

To Morrisons in Disco Pants , Chilli and 20% off at Boohoo


This is just a quick post in between drinking (when are my posts not between drinking, oh hey typical student) an making the most kick ass Chilli with my boyfriend. You NEED to make epic chilli nachos, you make the chilli con carne, then put a whole packet of Doritos on a baking tray, cover them in cheese, then chilli, put LOADS more cheese on top, bake in the oven then serve with guacamole, sour cream and salsa, AMAZING!

My boyfriend took a few pictures of me messing about on our way back from Morrisons:

 T shirt : Oxfam , Shirt : charity shop , Disco Pants : American apparel , Boots : Dr Martens (laces ebay)


 Cross Bracelet : Dorothy Perkins , Chain bracelet : Peacocks 

I'm not even an Arsenal fan. Sorry City!

This isn't really the best outfit post, but we've all been there, rushing to go somewhere and packed random clothes for the next day, I bought this t shirt about four years ago and I NEVER wear it. I think I turned out all right considering :)

Oh yeah , and I got an email from the lovely people at myunidays announcing a code for 20% off at here's a link to the code  :) I thought I should share the wealth, just because 'm too poor to buy anything at Boohoo doesn't mean you shouldn't

My Boohoo favourites at the moment :-
:) Happy shopping 

Gonna get back to my nachos and Strongbow 

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Charity shopping i.e spending money I really don't have and Maybelline Dream fresh BB Cream

Hey dudes! I'm sat on my sofa drinking a Stella after a hard days charity shopping in Dalston :) Why I thought it was a good idea with no money ill never know, I seriously think I may have a problem, but the pickings were rich, take a look :

Sorry about the mirror pictures guys, desperate times call for desperate measures.

 Denim shirt w/sleeves cut off my me : £3.00

I couldn't resist studding the collar a little.

 Calvin Klein denim Jacket : £3 - gonna get the dip dye treatment/studs

 Kind of sheer but still okay polo crop top : £2.00

Tie dye midi/maxi skirt : £1.99

Vintage high waist Versace Jeans : £7.00
Here's the versace jeans again, I'm planning on bleaching the shit out of them and dying them multicoloured!
I'm also wearing that Primark bodysuit I bought , I tie dyed it, but it washed out quite a lot might do it again tonight .

High waisted white shorts : I'm gonna cut these slut short tie dye them then put them on ebay WATCH THIS SPACE

Vintage Maxmara poloneck top : £3.00

Nice to have some new clothes, it feels like WEEKS since I did some decent shopping. I think I'm going to wear that polo crop to Radio 1 Hackney Weekend, is anyone else coming on the Saturday? Jay Z HELLS TO THE YEAH!

Also this week I was determined to get a tinted moisturiser/light foundation for summer and after some shopping around (a £10 budget doesn’t go far mind) I decided to buy Maybelline Dream Fresh BB cream. My housemate Jackie literally informed me of the amazingness that is BB cream whilst we were in boots and it sounded good, primer/foundation/SPF/tinted mousturiser  sounds like the way to go. 
The Boots website says that it smooths and blurs imperfections whilst offering SPF 30 coverage. Also, as I have combination skin so it’s great that this BB cream is oil free. Today I tried it for the first time and I was AMAZED at the results, shopping all day my nose wasn't shiny at all and it usually ends up like a mirror after a couple of hours without powder! I found it lasted really well and gave me a really natural look. Even better, when I go out I do like to layer on the slap with a trowel (don’t we all) and this can go under my foundation quite nicely I imagine. 


AND my lovely boyfriend Rob is coming back from a two week holiday tonight !

Versace+boyfriend+job = best day ever

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Fishnets, flatforms, styling and a lovely day out at the Louboutin exhibition

I lied when I said I would be posting more after my exams I've been having too much fun at night time to allow time for posting waahhhh! But this will be a long post which makes up for that no? 

This is what I put on today, repping a cheeky bit of last nights make-up.The most worrying thing is, I wore something very similar to go out last night.

Denim Jacket : Ebay and DIY, Crop top : Topshop sale , Shorts : Wangler DIY , Bumbag : Vintage Moschino , Fishnets : Primark , Flatforms : Ebay , Necklaces : Borrowed from various individuals

I love my studded denim Jacket, some lovely drunk girls were raving over it last night in Dixie Chicken.
For some reason I look like I have a shiny gold tooth in this picture. I don't.

As I write I'm sat in bed with a hangover listening to Lecs Luther, calm and sexy stuff. Have a listen?

I had the pleasure of styling another shoot for my friend Hanna Hillier over at The Sheet on Saturday for Next Models. We had a great time, the model Sara Semic was great and a bit of a legend Hanna got some amazing shots (as always) and I just threw clothes on someone beautiful. Here's a couple of preview shots from the shoot:

I love how she works the double denim in the second picture, so much better than Britney and Justin circa 2001 haha! 

Also this week me and Jackie got all cultural and went to the Christian Louboutin exhibition at the design museum, needless today it was amazing

We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the exhibition but the lovely curator let me dick around by the entrance :)

Me and Jackie both agreed the best part of the exhibition was definitely the Louboutin X David Lynch fetish room. Some of the designs are pretty dark, I love the ones where the heels are too long for the shoe. The photography is amazing, I can imagine the stories behind them so vividly.

Here's a few pairs we wanted to steal from the main exhibition...see the theme occurring here

I just got a call and I have an Interview at Miss Selfridge Oxford Circus on Friday, I'm absolutely shitting myself.. any pointers guys? 

Anyway, here's my wishlist for this week :

  1. Boohoo bag : Reminds me of the Alexander Wang Marion bag which I LOVE!
  2. Tee and Cake London Map T-Shirt 
  3. River-Island Bikini: I LOVE this print, also the girly frills are cute.
  4. Miss Selfridge Shirt: Love the paisley print
  5. River-Island Crop top : I could probably NEVER  pull this off but I love the tackiness of it.
  6. Lavish-Alice shirt
  7. Romwe T shirt

If and when I get a job I am going to purchase ALL OF THESE THINGS.....

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

My midi obsession: Jessie J's dress, Aztec Primark and LOTS OF SHOES!

And more to the point I'm pretty sure I smashed the last one!!!! I celebrated by drinking a lot of cider ( I'm from the West Country that's what we do ) and sampling the delights at the London Fields outdoor swimming pool, the weather in London has been beautiful the past few days. Yesterday I received this amazing midi dress in the post from ASOS. I fell in love with this dress after seeing it one Jessie J on the voice, I managed to snap one up before they sold out quickly and I wore it out shopping today, I felt so fancy wearing it round Westfield Stratford :
bodycon midi dress
Dress: ASOS , Necklace: Peacocks , Boots: Topshop

I'm not sure exactly what RedBull does to me but it makes me WEIRD. About a week and a half ago I went to Primark and tried on this midi dress (below) and completely fell in love. However, being the cheapskate I am I didn't want to spend £13 on something from Primark when I probably couldn't get that much for it on eBay. Since the day I tried it on I have been no less than OBSESSING over this dress, to the point where I have been trawling eBay for it. Luckily, I managed to find one in Primark Westfield today.  
Bodycon aztec midi dress
As you can probably see I have a small obsession with midi dresses at the moment, which is ideal because walking down the road in East London wearing anything short results in numerous disgusting men shouting out of their shitty, stupidly loud cars. I really don't understand them at all, has any of them EVER pulled anyone apart from a crack-whore from shouting 'hey.. hey you girl' out of their car window? I'm guessing NEVER. The irony of the situation is that if you tell them to fuck off they start getting janky about your looks. I will never understand men. Rant over. 
I love this bralet I managed to find is the chaos of Primark, the aztec-y print and pastels are really cool for the summer. Although, be warned if you don't have tiny boobs, the cups are really small, I even got a size up and it's still a bit on the small side.

I LOVE these sunglasses, a bargain at just £2 and I feel like I'm channelling Beyonce in her Linda Farrows seen earlier this year.

I am still obsessed with tie dye, I really can't get enough of it and it's everywhere at the moment in the best possible way. This bodysuit is going to be my latest tie dye project, I'm going to try and make a multicoloured spiral effect. It's so fun and satisfying to tie dye your own clothes, so easy and simple to get a professional looking piece and it's SO CHEAP. I promise to post a tutorial in the next few days :)

I'm really looking forward to a summer filled with blogging, and hopefully a summer full of new shoes if I can get a job. Here's a few rad pairs I want to get my hands on :

  1. Floral flatforms -  £35 River Island
  2. Black flatforms - £19.99 eBay
  3. T-Bar studded Jeffrey Campbell Foxy lookalikes - £44.99 Missguided
  4. Chunky platforms - £40.99 Missguided 
  5. Viper flatforms - £50 ASOS
  6. Block heel platforms - £22.99 eBay 

Oooooh I can't wait for Radio 1's Hackney weekend coming up at the end of June, is anyone else going? 

love Frankie