Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 May 2014

#OOTD - May the 4th be with you

DSC02683 DSC02698 DSC02694 DSC02692 DSC02713 DSC02726 DSC02736 DSC02706
Dress - ASOS , Belt - Vintage via ebay , Bag - C/O Paul's Boutique , Sunglasses - Jeepers Peepers via ASOS , Shoes - Topshop , Statement ring - one off piece C/O Lucky Little Blighters

Hello hello! Long time no see? I'm back with some summery goodness, a grown up job and a new hairstyle! I know I'm not the most regular of bloggers but something about Sunshine makes me want to wear pretty things and make my boyfriend take pictures of me in the middle of the road - so hopefully there'll be more to come.


  • You are now looking at the newest lingerie and accessories Allocator at Boux Avenue WOOO!!! BALLIN'
  • I've moved in with my lovely boyfriend of six years Rob and it's domestic bliss up in here
  • I went a bit blonde, when I inevitably get bored of it I don't know if I'm going to dye it violet or pink HELP?
  • I've embarked on a health & fitness journey (that sounds so wanky sorry) and have already lost 11lb - trust me I know I'm not looking like a skinny minnie now but progress is progress.
  • I have a new found LOVE of brown lipstick, so questionable but so good!

At the slightest hint of sunshine I like loads of you I'm sure decide to wear less clothes as if it's 30 degrees out . I was very lucky this week, as I was perusing ASOS for a new bag, I was contacted by the lovely Lizzie from Pauls Boutique who let me pick out a bag. Green is forevs my fave colour and I can't really let myself have a big bag otherwise it becomes a sack of shit in no time, so I chose the Suki in Pistachio HERE, and it's perfect!
 I am also doubly, triply lucky to have had the lovely Maura, designer of the fantastical Lucky Little Blighters jewellery create this one off custom ring for me (see massive gold thing of beauty attached to my middle finger above). My first bit of proper grown up valuable jewellery and I'm loving it, go and check out more of Maura's beautiful designs HERE.

Glad to be back! 


Thursday, 6 June 2013







Baseball cap : Primark - £4
Sunny G's : ASOS - £12 here
Crop top : Topshop -
Jeans : Charity shop via Jen 
Jumper : Mr GuGu and Miss Go
Satchel : La moda* - here
Shoes : White Coltranes - Karmaloop - On sale get them HERE

Welcome back me! Hey guys :) Quickie update -  I am not impressed with how my blogging has been going lately, but who gives a fuck life goes on! I'm unsure how other bloggers post every day, my life consists of working, hangovers and generally things besides the internet. Also, I've pretty much stopped reading blogs apart from a few favourites which is quite weird but, not saying I'm doing anything drastically different, but there is NOTHING inspiring about reading and seeing a 'hypothetical ootd' post of someone who doesn't even wear that outfit out, or reckons they're a model- I'm realistic about this blogging shit ya know ;D ?!

 But I will try to do a bit more - especially since I got invited to a whole load of press days which, as it turns out are actually quite fun. Pretty much all the bloggers I've met are babes as you shall see in future posts. For the moment I can't do much though, my camera was left in Newcastle but rest assured the latest from Gogo Philip, Republic and Vintage Corner at Cancer research are coming soon ;) Anyyyyyyway... summer is here at last, less clothes, more creeps, sunbathing, diets, colourfulness and BBQs are happening. Had a really good BBQ yesterday managed to jerk a sack of chicken legs, got Rob to make burgers and fell asleep on the sofa in a food coma afterwards, SATISFIED. Green hair is also happening in case you didn't notice :) . The absolute babe that is Suzan from La Moda sent me this gorgeous white satchel the other day. I actually ran to the post office to pick it up, looking like a mug struggling to breathe with my studded bumbag and a parcel under one arm- yay me for working out. I haven't taken it off my shoulder since, THANKS MAAAN :) , also goes with my friggin cool new white coltranes. I actually hated Jeffs for quite a while but my white obsession came to a head and when I saw these, I had to have them. Already had them for a few weeks, went to a warehouse rave in them - if you go there I recommend white shoe polish cos they look good as new!

Sorry about the rant, I'm pretty sure I can't be the only one who thinks sometimes maybe  blogs may get a little boring? (aside  from the arse lickers of course) LET ME KNOW LOVELIES :D


Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Braids, prints and shoe porn

box braids
So I braided my hair myself YUP!

 Shirt : charity shop
Skirt : Topshop
Bowler : Ebay
Necklace : Peacocks
Flatforms : Office 

After spending about 10 hours over the last two days braiding my own hair I thought I'd share it and an outfit post with you guys. I missed my braids from before but I couldn't afford to get them professionally done so I bit the bullet, watched a few youtube videos and did it myself. The back is less than amazing, but hey I saved myself £60!!!
 Even though I have only left the house for about two hours today I got all dressed up (been living in my Basketball Jersey for days ugghhh). I have only worn this shirt once since I bought it and I'm so glad I wore it today, I love the matching print tops and bottoms I've seen on the high street lately in Topshop and River-Island and thought I'd do my own thing but similar with monochrome prints. I LOVE the crazy ikat midi I got from Topshop, I don't wear skirts (always shorts) much during the day because I HATE HATE HATE leering and comments from weirdo men, but this is great I don't feel too exposed! The flatforms were only £8.50 from Office in the sale and I've been eyeing them up for MONTHS! So happy!

Anyway I'm back to being poor as me and my girls have just put a deposit down on a new flat YAY , so back to fantasising about nice things,  I'll share my shoe porn with you ;)

  1. Urban Outfitters : £14
  2. Office : £70 - I NEED THESE RIGHT NOW
  3. Zara : £49.99
  4. Office : £140 - Small obsession with Timberlands at the moment
  5. Zara : £79.99
  6. Mango : £74.99 - Fetish sandals , need I say more :)
  7. Dr Martens Asos : £116.00
  8. Air Max 90 Drome : £99.99

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Acid wash, gold chain, DIY Ombre hair and this weeks lustlist

Polo neck crop top : Maxmara via charity shop , Acid wash Jeans : My sisters via ebay , 
Wedge Trainers : H&M , Necklace : Peacocks

Hey dudes! I'm back with a tan! Croatia was amazing, we caught the end of the Garden festival along with Electric Elephant, had fun with my most amazing Bristol girls, beauties from Dublin, saw some ace DJs and partied for 6 days straight. This photo sums up the week really HA!:

I am still poor as a church mouse so haven't been able to get my braids again BOO!! But I really wanted to change my hairstyle so I went ombre. I prefer this ombre look so much more to my pre blog pink dip dye, really subtle and didn't make it all break off! 

Also, I decided to take my eyelashes into my own hands and apply my own long lasting eyelash extensions (last photo) . I used to pay around a tenner to get them done in Peckham but I managed to do them myself with just £3.00 worth of lashes from a beauty shop and some weave glue! Now I know that sounds horrific but they are SO GOOD!! And they don't pull out my lashes when I remove them like the professionally applied ones, I might even do a Youtube video tutorial, so easy to apply and they last for like 2 weeks!

Anywhooooo payday is coming up and we both know I've already mentally spent that money :

  1. White silk polo neck dress : Topshop Unique AW12
  2. Last judgement leggings : BlackMilk
  3. Gorilla tank top : Romwe
  4. High waisted Easy Jeans : American apparel
  5. Cheetah T shirt as seen on Rihanna !!! : Katie Eary
  6. Bra top : Monki
  7. Eye jumper : Monki
  8. Flatform trainers : River-Island

Six days and counting :)

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Fresh Prince 90's print and Wah inspired Nails

Today was a complete fail on the uni front, I got my dissertation appointment time wrong after cycling through torrential rain to get there. Granted, I wasn't dressed appropriately for rain...Aaaanyway, I continued tidying my room, it's taking DAYS! It actually looked like a charity shop had thrown up over it. Hence I'll have about 30 pieces of clothing to put on Ebay this week so watch this space. I love this shirt I found, not bad for a fiver, I just cut out the shoulders and voila I am the Fresh Prince of Bell Air! 
wedge trainers
Shirt dress : Vintage , Wedge Trainers : H&M , Chain necklace : Peacocks , Bracelets : Gina Tricot

I'm sorry, I really thought it would make a difference but no amount of tie dye blue silk will disguise the grotty shittiness of my carpet.

Then because I have far too much time on my hands/want to impress at my interview tomorrow I did my nails, took me about 3 hours mind.

nail art

Sick yeah? I am pretty much a man, it takes serious patience and commitment/boredom to be arsed to do nail art like this. Really pointless, but pretty so worth it maybe? I'm gonna cry when these bad boys chip. REALLY. Hope all this hard work pays off and I get the job tomorrow.

Night X

Monday, 14 May 2012

When I got 90's braids, tie dye outfit of the day and my LUSTLIST

Going to keep this one short and sweet, exam period and all that. The past week I have been OBSESSED with getting my hair braided, to the point where the other morning I was up till 5am no less looking at video tutorials and pictures of other peoples braids. Unable to revise I did the only thing I could possibly do in such a situation. Went to Peckham and got my hair did :)

Denim Shirt: Topshop , Tank top: Boy London

Ta DAAAA! What do you think? I cried several times (looking like that music teacher Jess went out with on new girl, such an ugly crier) when I got home with this new style, but eventually after much encouragement from my sister and my boyfriend I have embraced it. I now feel like I'm channelling Janet Jackson in Poetic Justice or Moesha - generally just awesome 90's hair.
My dad on the other hand said I just look like I came back from a holiday to Barbados haha!

Today was supposed to be sunny (in my mind anyway) so I dressed appropriately...
Crop top: Topshop , Shorts: DIY Vintage Levi 501 , Necklace: Federation Bristol ,
Spiked Bracelet:  Forever 21  _ photos by my lovely housemate Jackie <3

It wasn't sunny. But I feel summery anyway, I love this crop top, tie dye as you have probably figured out is one of my favourite things at the moment along with shoulder cut outs, I wish I could do one this complicated but alas I'm not that skilled. This outfit is perfect for lazing around in London Fields like I'm going to be doing all summer. Luckily enough I'm not venturing outside today as the weather is a bit shit, my first exam is tomorrow and I need to revise more eeeeek!

Rings : H&m , Don't know , Topshop

I really need to get on and book a summer holiday, the way things are going at the moment I will have spent all the holiday money on clothes.One of my recent purchases is a black leather backpack from eBay which was only £7.00 I can't wait for it to come!! You should see the backpack  I'm using at the moment it's my little sisters pink and brown Roxy one euughh..

Also something I need to share with you is the Myunidays discount IT IS AMAZING! As a student, to get student discount online at places like Asos and Topshop you need to buy an NUS extra card that costs £11, or pinch an NUS card number of a friend. Alas, I have never bought one being a complete cheapskate so when I heard about myunidays I was ecstatic

Various percentages of discounts are available for:


from this website.
This is honestly one of the best things I have been introduced to lately and I wanted to share the joy :D . 

Here's a few other things I want/have just bought:

  1. Splash dyed Topshop denim sleeveless shirt £38 - this shirt is lush but in no way would I pat that amount of money for it... I think I smell a DIY coming on...
  2. Jeffrey Campbell Back off in Silver $179.95 -  A little bit more badass than the Acne Atacoma wedges
  3. Yin Yang leggings  £3.99 eBay -  Just bought these, I love the print, so 90's AND so much cheaper than the Topshop ones
  4. Plate spike belt Asos £12.75 with myunidays discount!!!! - I have been lusting over this belt for a while can't wait to wear it with my black high waisted shorts.
  5. Jeffrey Campbell Stinger Spike $139.95 - I NEED these, I lovelovelove transparent clothing/accessories at the moment!
  6. Motel at ASOS Midi dress £28 - Now usually I don't buy from motel (the quality can be a bit iffy and EVERYTHING is hand wash only!) but I LOVE the print and I think it's about time I got a midi.
  7. Black Milk Cathedral Leggings £46.76 - Definitely going to buy these this week, been waiting for them to be restocked for ages! I love the print, it is an actual image of a stain glass window in France oooooh.
  8. Jelly shoes £14.99 JuJu - Bought to my attention by my house mate Jackie this morning I am in DIRE need of these shoes, so transparent and jellyey I can't get enough of them

Listen.......can you hear that?...... my bank account is crying.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

East London Style Bible, Moschino Bumbag and a weekend to remember

I wasn't going to blog today on account of being very bored with nothing interesting to say and all my pics coming out ugly (really should be revising meh -_-) , but then I cam across this article on Vice that tickled me. SERIOUSLY this book needs it's name changed from Worst Fashions: What we shouldn't have worn but did to Mystic Meg/Gandalf I Can Tell The Future East London Style Bible. I think the majority of us (I know I am) are offenders according to this book : 
(Via Vice)

I'm literally sat here at my desk pissing myself laughing, the irony is ridiculous! If you saw my last post you'll probably know I bought a shell suit jacket last week.... oh and this came for me today.


This weekend my friend Emilie came back to London and it was WONKY. We went to The Waiting Room in Stoke Newington for the joint first birthday of Getddownordie and Daruma Vision. From what I remember it was pretty good, although there is a hazy memory of a bouncer shining a light in my eyes and a random helping me outside,  missed the cake fight :( . If he had just let me sleep in the corner I would have been fine get the jist of how crazy it was you should probably watch this video :

Then we went to Love Fever with Wolf+Lamb on Sunday afternoon, got the dirtiest looks from the grannies on the bus swigging gin from a  Jägermeister  bottle at 4 in the afternoon. Needless to say we had a really good time, this is what I wore:
Top: Primark cut into a crop top , Trousers: American apparel, Socks: Primark, Boots: Dr martens, Necklace: Peacocks.

I know I LIVE in my Disco Pants but really having spent £70 on them I am desperate to get my moneys worth out of them and the go with everything.
Also, for ages ow I have wanted to post a look with my rainbow cardie I thrifted a while back. This is what I wore to watch City beat Man U at the pub:
Cardie: Charity Shop, Dress: H&M, 

Despite one of my friends insisting it's horrid,  I wear it LOADS, it's lovely and warm and bright. It reminds me of my grandma ( I hope she is reading this now she got an i Pad for her birthday... or maybe not sorry Mam). 

I've been thinking I need to change up my hair, I straighten it everyday and it's just looking sad, I can't afford another Brazilian Blowout so I was thinking of doing something like this:

Whatcha think? 

Sadly, I probably won't be posting for some time because I can't stop watching Bleak House and losing my train of thought and should be revising :( 