Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Vintage Prints - Beau Homme - Haul Video

2013-06-26 14.03.07
2013-06-26 14.01.46
2013-06-26 14.00.55

Jacket : Vintage Basement
Trousers : Vintage Basement
Top : H&M
Shoes : Topshop
Necklace : Oxfam
Bracelets : Asos
Earrings : Primark

I friggin' love Vintage Basement! I mentioned it the other day in a post but I didn't get  to show you my goodies :D I wore this outfit to the Beau Homme menswear presentation the other night and I lav the mix of prints - it even got my dads coveted seal of approval. I went to the presentation at the invitation of the awesomeness that is Jen  - met some legends, ogled fit models and saw this girl who dare I say it looked exactly like Rihanna (so much so I did a double take) but then I realized she was actually better looking :O
 AND GUESS WHAT?? You guys should be proud of me - I think it is the only event I've attended as a blogger with a free bar and I haven't got absolutely hammered YAY ME *pats self on the back*

Anyway...I am counting down the days till Sunday when I get to leave horrid grey London and escape to 35 degree heat. AAAAAAND I'm well up for doing holiday outfit blog posts, got so many bikinis/neon/vintage/prints/crazy ish to whip out for the lads :D 

Oh and I forgot to tell you guys I did another Youtube haul video the other day .... Filmed it on a camera from 2001 so just pretend it's supposed to be all cool and vintage like that hahaha!

lots of love :)

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Educate Elevate Summer Lookbook


I haven't really done one of these posts before, I'm going to be trying out some new things over the next few weeks - decided I should be filling up my copious amounts of free time with blogging as opposed to vegetating in my bed/sofa. As you can probably tell looking back through my blog I have loved Educate Elevate for a while now- their pieces are really cool ( I lived in my Educate Elevate beanie this winter) and as I'm sure you've noticed I'm a sucker for anything with a 90's aesthetic. They  have got even better this summer with bits and pieces I really wanted them to do - CROP TOPS YESSS!!! So I thought I had better show you guys their summer lookbook ....


This lookbook has made me dig out my string vest and now I want to wear it over all of my t shirts. My favorite pieces are the new basketball jerseys and the Flyfirl earrings,  hella ratchet in the best possible way PLEASE BE MINE. That white flygirl crop top also needs to be mine :D

I hope you liked this post, let me know - sorry if I've led you to decimate your bank account a bit by showing you this collection haha!

If you'd like to see more of me click on these links ^_^



Saturday, 8 June 2013

Gogo Philip X Malibu 1992 Golden Palm + the baddest bitch Brooke Candy

Necklace : Gift
T shirt : H&M
Trousers : Primark
Shoes : Jeffrey Campbell
Earrings : H&M



Risa + Jen

Esther + Carmen

Brooke Candy


A'right guys? I just wanted to say I loved the comments on my last post! I'm glad i'm not the only one who has those thoughts - some of the comments cracked me up, you guys are so cool :D !!

Anyway, going back in time here-  finally got hold of my memory card thanks to the lovely Gabriella :) A couple of weeks back I was lucky enough to be invited to the  Gogo Philip X Malibu 1992 'Golden Palm' launch party and it was bangin'! Not only did I get pissed up, but I got to have a look at the amazing new pieces from the collection - loved the Malibu kinda tacky, but in a awesome way vibe! My favorite piece was the Huge palm tree doorknocker earrings HAVE TO OWN THEM! I went with the lovely Jen and got to meet some blogger honeyz - Risa, Esther and Carmen who were all really nice. One of the best bits was getting to see Brooke Candy perform in the intimate/tiny Gogo Philip shop- she rapped live and she was SO GOOD! Afterwards I managed to get a photo with her and she was such a babe - she told me I was hot like twice and said she liked my blowup backpack EEEEEEE!!! 

If you get a chance you should pop down to the Gogo Philip shop on Curtain Road just off Brick Lane - I didn't even know it was there but it's really nice and the people are lovelies. I'm going to be doing quite a few posts set in the past and some from the present mixed in over the next week so keep coming back :)

Happy Saturday!!

Thursday, 6 June 2013







Baseball cap : Primark - £4
Sunny G's : ASOS - £12 here
Crop top : Topshop -
Jeans : Charity shop via Jen 
Jumper : Mr GuGu and Miss Go
Satchel : La moda* - here
Shoes : White Coltranes - Karmaloop - On sale get them HERE

Welcome back me! Hey guys :) Quickie update -  I am not impressed with how my blogging has been going lately, but who gives a fuck life goes on! I'm unsure how other bloggers post every day, my life consists of working, hangovers and generally things besides the internet. Also, I've pretty much stopped reading blogs apart from a few favourites which is quite weird but, not saying I'm doing anything drastically different, but there is NOTHING inspiring about reading and seeing a 'hypothetical ootd' post of someone who doesn't even wear that outfit out, or reckons they're a model- I'm realistic about this blogging shit ya know ;D ?!

 But I will try to do a bit more - especially since I got invited to a whole load of press days which, as it turns out are actually quite fun. Pretty much all the bloggers I've met are babes as you shall see in future posts. For the moment I can't do much though, my camera was left in Newcastle but rest assured the latest from Gogo Philip, Republic and Vintage Corner at Cancer research are coming soon ;) Anyyyyyyway... summer is here at last, less clothes, more creeps, sunbathing, diets, colourfulness and BBQs are happening. Had a really good BBQ yesterday managed to jerk a sack of chicken legs, got Rob to make burgers and fell asleep on the sofa in a food coma afterwards, SATISFIED. Green hair is also happening in case you didn't notice :) . The absolute babe that is Suzan from La Moda sent me this gorgeous white satchel the other day. I actually ran to the post office to pick it up, looking like a mug struggling to breathe with my studded bumbag and a parcel under one arm- yay me for working out. I haven't taken it off my shoulder since, THANKS MAAAN :) , also goes with my friggin cool new white coltranes. I actually hated Jeffs for quite a while but my white obsession came to a head and when I saw these, I had to have them. Already had them for a few weeks, went to a warehouse rave in them - if you go there I recommend white shoe polish cos they look good as new!

Sorry about the rant, I'm pretty sure I can't be the only one who thinks sometimes maybe  blogs may get a little boring? (aside  from the arse lickers of course) LET ME KNOW LOVELIES :D