Thursday, 26 September 2013



Dress - c/o Monki , Jacket - Aquascutum , Socks - Monki , Shoes - H&M , Bag - c/o La Moda ||| Trousers -  Vintage , Top - vintage , Shoes - Topshop , Bag - Primark


London Fashion Week ended last Tuesday, leaving me a nasty cold (I am dying) but also the memories of some pretty cool experiences. I've finally brought myself to go through the hundreds of photos and thought my first LFW post be a bit of a street style post. Friday the 13th didn't bode well for us at Somerset House - it rained so much and it continued throughout the weekend. Luckily, on the Monday the weather was pretty good and that's when I got most of these snaps. I forgot to take my camera for the first three days (worst blogger ever) so I had to make do with my dads i pad -  more outfit posts from LFW to come soon.

I managed to get photos of my two favorite outfits however, the first being this awesome Monki dress the lovely Erica let me pick out at the showroom just before fashion week. If you are crap at planning outfits like me you'll appreciate how much of a lifesaver this one was - only had to faff around for 15 minutes choosing what coat to wear over it haha! I also went to Monki to pick up some jeans and found these smiley face socks I included on a wishlist a while back, I was on a bit of a Monki hype that day and I LOVED it.

The best bits of LFW were the ones I shared with blogger babes - It was nice to chill with everyone and catch up, the New Look Refuel room was the place to be again this season, champagne, manis and a photo-booth took the edge off the fact that it was pissing it down outside.

SO, more to come, I went to some really good shows (OMG KTZ!!!!) and the most bloody amazing sick parties ever - expect to be reading about them soon!


Friday, 6 September 2013

#ootd Educate & Elevate





B Ball jersey - C/O Educate & Elevate HERE
Skirt - H&M
Nike Roshe runs camo - Urban Outfitters
Bag - My dads
Lipstick - So Chaud

Oh my goodness I've been SO BUSY moving out  of my flat over the past week, haven't had a chance to blog for a bit sorry guys :) I'm so glad to have finally moved out of my uni flat now, back to my dads where the fridge is always full  - it's amazing. Aaanyway, the babeatron that is Suzan from Educate & Elevate sent me this lush B Ball jersey the other day. I usually only wear jerseys as pyjamas but thought this one was too nice not to wear outside- I bloody love it, TA BABE! Also, I think we all need to appreciate my awesome Nike roshe runs that the lovely Sheree from Glitz and Grime helped me procur. I really wasn't that jazzed about the roshe till I saw these on the Urban Outfitters website, pretty much fell in love and when I got them so did my feet, comfiest kicks eveeeeeeeer! So that's all from me today, this week is the calm before the storm that is London Fashion Week. Expect a bazillion LFW blog posts in the not too distant future, let me know if your going :D
