Showing posts with label charity shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charity shop. Show all posts
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Baseball cap : Primark - £4
Sunny G's : ASOS - £12 here
Crop top : Topshop -
Jeans : Charity shop via Jen
Jumper : Mr GuGu and Miss Go
Satchel : La moda* - here
Shoes : White Coltranes - Karmaloop - On sale get them HERE
Welcome back me! Hey guys :) Quickie update - I am not impressed with how my blogging has been going lately, but who gives a fuck life goes on! I'm unsure how other bloggers post every day, my life consists of working, hangovers and generally things besides the internet. Also, I've pretty much stopped reading blogs apart from a few favourites which is quite weird but, not saying I'm doing anything drastically different, but there is NOTHING inspiring about reading and seeing a 'hypothetical ootd' post of someone who doesn't even wear that outfit out, or reckons they're a model- I'm realistic about this blogging shit ya know ;D ?!
But I will try to do a bit more - especially since I got invited to a whole load of press days which, as it turns out are actually quite fun. Pretty much all the bloggers I've met are babes as you shall see in future posts. For the moment I can't do much though, my camera was left in Newcastle but rest assured the latest from Gogo Philip, Republic and Vintage Corner at Cancer research are coming soon ;) Anyyyyyyway... summer is here at last, less clothes, more creeps, sunbathing, diets, colourfulness and BBQs are happening. Had a really good BBQ yesterday managed to jerk a sack of chicken legs, got Rob to make burgers and fell asleep on the sofa in a food coma afterwards, SATISFIED. Green hair is also happening in case you didn't notice :) . The absolute babe that is Suzan from La Moda sent me this gorgeous white satchel the other day. I actually ran to the post office to pick it up, looking like a mug struggling to breathe with my studded bumbag and a parcel under one arm- yay me for working out. I haven't taken it off my shoulder since, THANKS MAAAN :) , also goes with my friggin cool new white coltranes. I actually hated Jeffs for quite a while but my white obsession came to a head and when I saw these, I had to have them. Already had them for a few weeks, went to a warehouse rave in them - if you go there I recommend white shoe polish cos they look good as new!
Sorry about the rant, I'm pretty sure I can't be the only one who thinks sometimes maybe blogs may get a little boring? (aside from the arse lickers of course) LET ME KNOW LOVELIES :D
Monday, 8 April 2013
NEW KICKS & 20 random facts
Hat : Primark
T shirt : charity shop
Coat : Vintage/Christmas present
Jeans : Topshop Joni
Trainers : Adidas via Asos
Nails : Models Own - Luis Lemon
I've just come hack from Amsterdam and I'm back to living in a perpetual hell of university work AND IT'S HORRID! I'm going to do a post on my trip this week at some point, it was SO GOOD! I am chilling tonight watching Game Of Thrones and shouting at the telly during Made In Chelsea - thought why not do a blog post ey? My lovely housemate Emma took these photos quickly after we got back from the library, and let me just say I made a rookie error wearing this fluffy coat outside when the weather was actually quite warm. I cannot express the amount of love I have for my new trainers, I ordered them off ASOS the other week after much umming and ahhing, the fact the 20% student discount code was still working a day late was a sign and I had to have them. ANYWAYS... thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and do one of those random facts posts to jazz up le old blog ENNNNNJJJJOOOOOOOYY :) !!!
- I lived in LA for a little bit when I was a tiddler, being 9 and moving to America was WEIRD, my second day in school I put on an American accent at school for the rest of the time I was there - LOSER!
- I LOVE CHEESE - it's so good, if I was lactose intolerant I would get the shits everyday because I'd still eat cheese.
- I have a perfectly rectangular scar on my forearm because my housemate Gabby used her laser hair removal thing on it and apparently it doesn't like black people.
- I still suck my thumb and have a blanky... I refuse to grow up
- Me and my boyfriend have been together for 5 years WINNING!
- My ear used to be stretched to 1.2cm - don't do it, I have a cats bottom on my ear now.
- I don't like cheese and onion crisps, they are mule.
- I think everything should be tried once, or twice....or lots.. ALL THE TIME!
- I read A LOT of historical romance and fantasy books.
- I grew up in Bristol and it's my favourite place in the world.
- I used to work in a butchers when I was 15 and loved it- but not when my boss wiped a cow tongue down my arm when I wasn't looking EW. Bone bins and blood tanks were fine though :)
- I think 50 Shades of Grey is shit. Nothing erotic about it.
- I always used to win the wrestling matches that took place on my kitchen floor in halls BEAST!
- I am always talking about poo.. its weird.
- I love cooking curry, I nail my grandmas butter chicken recipe TO A TEE!
- My middle name is Gregory. Wtf.
- I don't care about being skinny enough to exercise/eat healthily - I'd rather have an ass and boobs - you don't get 34FF boobs without cake!
- My favourite colour is GREEN
- I've never so much as set foot in a Hollister/ Jack Wills/ Abercrombie and Fitch shop and I'm bloody proud of it.
- I am gay for Rihanna, totes had a sex dream about her the other night.
There you have it. Hope you don't think I'm a dick now :)
P.S That google reader thing is going so if you still want to follow me when it's gone you might wanna follow me via Bloglovin here :
Thursday, 31 January 2013
I VLOGGED YO :) haul video : Charity Shops / Christmas / Sales / Urban Outfitters ...
Hey guys!!! I wanted to do a photo charity shop haul post the other day, but I thought I'd go one step further and make a haul video :) Luckily, I managed to cut it down quite a bit so I don't look like a compulsive shopper... I hope you enjoy it, not sure if it's boring as fuck but hey ho <3
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Winter is coming ... it can piss off.
Crop top - Topshop
Skirt - Second hand shop £2
Socks - Topshop
Heels - Ebay HERE
Moschino belt - Second hand shop £1
Necklace - Roman Road market
Rings - Topshop / custom made present
Bracelets - Raspberry Grape
Watch - ebay
Hey guys :) Wtf? 301 followers????
I leave my blog for nearly two weeks and come back to 301 followers, I'm amazed! Thanks so much, without anybody reading it my blog would be nothing but the ramblings of a skint weirdo haha! I love reading the comments people write to me as well, they cheer me up big time when I'm pissed off with life :) I'm definitely going to get a cool giveaway together in the next few days so keep your eyes peeled
Not gonna lie the reason I haven't been blogging isn't actually down to being too busy with uni work, Uni is giving me SO MUCH anxiety at the moment- my solution is to ignore it exists *blahhhhhh*. I've actually just been suffering from ugly days from the best part of a month which is pretty shit, didn't fancy sticking photos of myself on here - been living in my onesy anyway. I still can't get in to winter mode either, I hate the cold, I hate wearing loads of clothes and I hate not owning a pair of gloves WHY THE HELL DON'T I OWN GLOVES?? Better get my act together before bonfire night...
Aaanyway on to the outfit :) I went charity shopping with my friend Gabby in Dalston the other day and I found this amazing skirt in The Second Hand Shop (that's it's name, it's amazing!) for £2. Obviously I wore this out with my denim jacket and cardy, I for one am not resilient to the level of coldness to be experienced in London at the moment. I'm feeling tooooo lazy to write more , gonna eat a burger cooked by my lovely boyfriend and watch Apocalypse Now, make sure you check back tomorrow though got another post coming your way :)
Hugz + Kissez
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Braids, prints and shoe porn
So I braided my hair myself YUP!
Shirt : charity shop
Skirt : Topshop
Bowler : Ebay
Necklace : Peacocks
Flatforms : Office
After spending about 10 hours over the last two days braiding my own hair I thought I'd share it and an outfit post with you guys. I missed my braids from before but I couldn't afford to get them professionally done so I bit the bullet, watched a few youtube videos and did it myself. The back is less than amazing, but hey I saved myself £60!!!
Even though I have only left the house for about two hours today I got all dressed up (been living in my Basketball Jersey for days ugghhh). I have only worn this shirt once since I bought it and I'm so glad I wore it today, I love the matching print tops and bottoms I've seen on the high street lately in Topshop and River-Island and thought I'd do my own thing but similar with monochrome prints. I LOVE the crazy ikat midi I got from Topshop, I don't wear skirts (always shorts) much during the day because I HATE HATE HATE leering and comments from weirdo men, but this is great I don't feel too exposed! The flatforms were only £8.50 from Office in the sale and I've been eyeing them up for MONTHS! So happy!
Anyway I'm back to being poor as me and my girls have just put a deposit down on a new flat YAY , so back to fantasising about nice things, I'll share my shoe porn with you ;)
- Urban Outfitters : £14
- Office : £70 - I NEED THESE RIGHT NOW
- Zara : £49.99
- Office : £140 - Small obsession with Timberlands at the moment
- Zara : £79.99
- Mango : £74.99 - Fetish sandals , need I say more :)
- Dr Martens Asos : £116.00
- Air Max 90 Drome : £99.99
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Radio 1 Hackney Weekend , tie dye maxi skirt and £1 Moschino belt
Did anybody go to the Hackney weekend yesterday?? IT WAS AMAZING!! I can't believe I saw JAY Z AND KANYE FOR FREEE WOOOOOOOOO! Jay was sick, he did my favourite H to the Izzo and loads of other classics!! Kanye though, since he's started banging Kim Kardashian I can't really help but think less of him SMH. Definitely won't be getting over the fact that I was about 20m away from Beyonce for a long time.
I had a great day drinking and dancing my butt off with my lovely boyfriend. We saw Deadmou5, who wasn't as good as when I've seen him before, Emili Sande was beautiful and has such good vocals oh my days! Saw Rita Ora by accident too with DJ fresh, she was pretty good. Rihanna was fricking hot, Fell in love with her cap, can't find who the designer is so if anybody could enlighten me I would be most greatful :)
also bumped into Philips Idowu (World champion triple jumper) who was lovely and wished him all the best for the Olympics awww (getting out of London before they start fo sho).
Anyway.... I haven't got an outfit picture of yesterday.. but a few people took a picture of it for other blogs (exciting huh) So hopefully it'll show up somewhere else :)
I did manage to get my boyfriend to take some pictures of me the other day... he kept moaning it was embarrassing, still managed to do a good job though :) Here's what I wore the other day :
Sunny G's : Primark , Bralet : Topshop sale , Skirt : Charity shop , Belt : ASOS , Trainers : Converse
I had to take my braids out D: I miss them so much, but I can't afford to get more at the moment. I really want to do something different with my hair though, it's naturally really curly so I'm thinking maybe bleaching the crap out of it and having a pink fro?
Me and my friend Suzi went charity shopping in Dalston it was a great day for vintage I got this shirt : £2
A really cool leather bumbag (sorry no picture) , I'm selling my Moschino one HERE if you want to get your hand on that bad boy :)
My best find was this Moschino belt, I picked it up and asked the shopkeeper how much it was and I thought he said £12 and I was like YEAH BARGAIN, turned out he was joking and it was £1 BLOODY BRILLIANT!
All in all It's been a great weekend :D Now if only England would beat Italy in the football!! And I'm starting at Miss Selfridge tomorrow wish me luck :)
P.S How do people always get away with talking in yoga classes in films/television???
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
To Morrisons in Disco Pants , Chilli and 20% off at Boohoo
This is just a quick post in between drinking (when are my posts not between drinking, oh hey typical student) an making the most kick ass Chilli with my boyfriend. You NEED to make epic chilli nachos, you make the chilli con carne, then put a whole packet of Doritos on a baking tray, cover them in cheese, then chilli, put LOADS more cheese on top, bake in the oven then serve with guacamole, sour cream and salsa, AMAZING!
My boyfriend took a few pictures of me messing about on our way back from Morrisons:
I'm not even an Arsenal fan. Sorry City!
This isn't really the best outfit post, but we've all been there, rushing to go somewhere and packed random clothes for the next day, I bought this t shirt about four years ago and I NEVER wear it. I think I turned out all right considering :)
Oh yeah , and I got an email from the lovely people at myunidays announcing a code for 20% off at here's a link to the code :) I thought I should share the wealth, just because 'm too poor to buy anything at Boohoo doesn't mean you shouldn't
My Boohoo favourites at the moment :-
This is just a quick post in between drinking (when are my posts not between drinking, oh hey typical student) an making the most kick ass Chilli with my boyfriend. You NEED to make epic chilli nachos, you make the chilli con carne, then put a whole packet of Doritos on a baking tray, cover them in cheese, then chilli, put LOADS more cheese on top, bake in the oven then serve with guacamole, sour cream and salsa, AMAZING!
My boyfriend took a few pictures of me messing about on our way back from Morrisons:
T shirt : Oxfam , Shirt : charity shop , Disco Pants : American apparel , Boots : Dr Martens (laces ebay)
Cross Bracelet : Dorothy Perkins , Chain bracelet : Peacocks
I'm not even an Arsenal fan. Sorry City!
This isn't really the best outfit post, but we've all been there, rushing to go somewhere and packed random clothes for the next day, I bought this t shirt about four years ago and I NEVER wear it. I think I turned out all right considering :)
Oh yeah , and I got an email from the lovely people at myunidays announcing a code for 20% off at here's a link to the code :) I thought I should share the wealth, just because 'm too poor to buy anything at Boohoo doesn't mean you shouldn't
My Boohoo favourites at the moment :-
:) Happy shopping
Gonna get back to my nachos and Strongbow
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Charity shopping i.e spending money I really don't have and Maybelline Dream fresh BB Cream
Hey dudes! I'm sat on my sofa drinking a Stella after a hard days charity shopping in Dalston :) Why I thought it was a good idea with no money ill never know, I seriously think I may have a problem, but the pickings were rich, take a look :
Sorry about the mirror pictures guys, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Sorry about the mirror pictures guys, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Denim shirt w/sleeves cut off my me : £3.00
I couldn't resist studding the collar a little.
Calvin Klein denim Jacket : £3 - gonna get the dip dye treatment/studs
Kind of sheer but still okay polo crop top : £2.00
Tie dye midi/maxi skirt : £1.99
Vintage high waist Versace Jeans : £7.00
Here's the versace jeans again, I'm planning on bleaching the shit out of them and dying them multicoloured!
I'm also wearing that Primark bodysuit I bought , I tie dyed it, but it washed out quite a lot might do it again tonight .
High waisted white shorts : I'm gonna cut these slut short tie dye them then put them on ebay WATCH THIS SPACE
Vintage Maxmara poloneck top : £3.00
Nice to have some new clothes, it feels like WEEKS since I did some decent shopping. I think I'm going to wear that polo crop to Radio 1 Hackney Weekend, is anyone else coming on the Saturday? Jay Z HELLS TO THE YEAH!
Also this week I was determined to get a tinted moisturiser/light foundation for summer and after some shopping around (a £10 budget doesn’t go far mind) I decided to buy Maybelline Dream Fresh BB cream. My housemate Jackie literally informed me of the amazingness that is BB cream whilst we were in boots and it sounded good, primer/foundation/SPF/tinted mousturiser sounds like the way to go.
Also this week I was determined to get a tinted moisturiser/light foundation for summer and after some shopping around (a £10 budget doesn’t go far mind) I decided to buy Maybelline Dream Fresh BB cream. My housemate Jackie literally informed me of the amazingness that is BB cream whilst we were in boots and it sounded good, primer/foundation/SPF/tinted mousturiser sounds like the way to go.
The Boots website
says that it smooths and blurs imperfections whilst offering SPF 30 coverage.
Also, as I have combination skin so it’s great that this BB cream is oil free.
Today I tried it for the first time and I was AMAZED at the results, shopping all day my nose wasn't shiny at
all and it usually ends up like a mirror after a couple of hours without powder!
I found it lasted really well and gave me a really natural look. Even better, when I go out I do like
to layer on the slap with a trowel (don’t we all) and this can go under my
foundation quite nicely I imagine.
AND my lovely boyfriend Rob is coming back from a two week holiday tonight !
Versace+boyfriend+job = best day ever
Saturday, 26 May 2012
80's playsuit, sunshine and a pair of round glasses
Playsuit : Vintage fair , Sleeveless cropped denim jacket : Primark , Sunny G's : ASOS , Shoes : Jackies converse.
In England it's summer now, London is so hot, everyone is half naked and hells to the yes do you need to go to Costa Coffee and get a fruit cooler (the raspberry and orange one is DIVINE).
Me and Jackie went to the park today to get a tan. I love tanning, every summer without fail I get this obsession with getting darker. I think it's so weird that some celebrities like Lil' Kim and Rihanna bleach their skin whilst the fake tan industry is worth millions! I think there's something so beautiful about really dark skin, it really brings out colours and makes them pop.
I finally put my rainbow laces I bought the other week in my Dr Marten's, every time I look down at my feet they make me smile :)
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, as I'm writing this I'm desperate to get back to my new favourite blog; I seriously can't get enough of . I wouldn't be surprised if I never surface again SO MANY CHEESY WEIRD 90'S VIDEOS!!!!! Over the last couple of days (whilst I should have been revising) I've been perusing some fucking ace blogs/tumblrs, you know how it is when you're trying to learn about glaciers.
Here's a few inspiring/funny/interesting blogs I have been loving at the moment:
Night Night
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