Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Houndstooth Swag

T shirt dress : H&M via charity shop £2
Houndstooth Trousers : Primark sale £7
Watch : Ebay

Organza Laces : Ebay + DIY 99p

Earrings : Primark £2
Necklace : 99p charity shop
Lipstick : Topshop Inhibition

HEY LOVELIES!!! I'm such a good mood today! Had a hilarious night withh my friend Jackie, don't have a hangover for the first Sunday in weeks and I'm feeling good :)  I'm just popping in to uni quickly to print off some reading and this is what I threw on. I am IN LOVE with my new houndstooth trousers from Primark, £7, so cheap and I love the stripes down the side of the legs. I feel like I'm back on the shopping bandwagon, never in my life have I shopped less than I have this month, genuinely think that's what's made me so sad, lack of new shit in my wardrobe wahhhh!I can't stop thinking about Christmas lately either, not gonna lie my Christmas list is getting pretty redonkulous so I'm going to do a Christmas list blog post soon...mainly for the benefit of my family/boyfriend who I know will see it :D What do you want most for Christmas guys? I want more ideas :)

Have a lush Sunday



Sunday, 22 July 2012

Acid wash, gold chain, DIY Ombre hair and this weeks lustlist

Polo neck crop top : Maxmara via charity shop , Acid wash Jeans : My sisters via ebay , 
Wedge Trainers : H&M , Necklace : Peacocks

Hey dudes! I'm back with a tan! Croatia was amazing, we caught the end of the Garden festival along with Electric Elephant, had fun with my most amazing Bristol girls, beauties from Dublin, saw some ace DJs and partied for 6 days straight. This photo sums up the week really HA!:

I am still poor as a church mouse so haven't been able to get my braids again BOO!! But I really wanted to change my hairstyle so I went ombre. I prefer this ombre look so much more to my pre blog pink dip dye, really subtle and didn't make it all break off! 

Also, I decided to take my eyelashes into my own hands and apply my own long lasting eyelash extensions (last photo) . I used to pay around a tenner to get them done in Peckham but I managed to do them myself with just £3.00 worth of lashes from a beauty shop and some weave glue! Now I know that sounds horrific but they are SO GOOD!! And they don't pull out my lashes when I remove them like the professionally applied ones, I might even do a Youtube video tutorial, so easy to apply and they last for like 2 weeks!

Anywhooooo payday is coming up and we both know I've already mentally spent that money :

  1. White silk polo neck dress : Topshop Unique AW12
  2. Last judgement leggings : BlackMilk
  3. Gorilla tank top : Romwe
  4. High waisted Easy Jeans : American apparel
  5. Cheetah T shirt as seen on Rihanna !!! : Katie Eary
  6. Bra top : Monki
  7. Eye jumper : Monki
  8. Flatform trainers : River-Island

Six days and counting :)

Friday, 29 June 2012

Rihanna inspired outfit ¦ DIY fishnet cycling shorts ¦ DIY denim pocket crop top

T shirt : Stolen from my Dad +  DIY , Shorts : Levi 501 bleached + cut , Fishnet cycling shorts : Primark DIY , Shirt : Primark , Nike Blazers : Footlocker , Belt : Moschino via charity shop 

Lipstick : Kate moss for Rimmel 001

Please excuse the tummy lines :D

I feel like I haven't blogged in AGES, so much has happened. I've started my new job at Miss Selfridge, it's really hectic and I'm learning so much already. Who knew you had to steam EVERYTHING?? Telling you now you don't appreciate the amount of work that goes into making a shop presentable till you do it yourself. The best thing is that everyone I've met so far is lovely and the worst thing is I am constantly shopping in my mind during my shift then not being able to buy anything because I haven't been paid waahhh!!!

I'm sure everyone on the planet is demolishing the sales apart from me, but this is what you get with no money , a denim pocket and a pair of cut off fishnet tights :D 

Monday, 18 June 2012

Sunday Goth in a camouflage jacket : What I wore today

Hope all you guys have had a lovely weekend,  mine's been WEIRD. We ended up somewhere in the arse end of Camden and tube journey the next morning was HARROWING. You'd think people on the Piccadilly line at 8 in the morning had never seen a girl in fishnets and platform trainers before HA! 
I don't know what it is about Sundays that makes me moody, maybe it's because it's nearly Monday, maybe it's because I'm always hangover. But Sundays are rubbish. So befitting to my sad Sunday mood I went a bit gothic hooker. Here's what I wore:

Lipstick : Revlon Va Va Violet

Negligee worn as a top : Peacocks (old) , Shorts : Levi 501 , Camo jacket : £7  Camden (Fuck you Urban outfitters) , Suspender belt : Anne Summers , Stockings : Tights DIY , Boots : Dr Martens , Sunny G's : Primark , Necklace : Found it somewhere.

Sorry, currently sat here with a bunch of the guys watching I Love You Man for the 50 billionth time so I went a bit overboard with the effects on the photos. I'm going  window shopping around Oxford Circus tomorrow, might see if I can get myself a little something to cheer myself up.

Aaaaaaanyway... I'll just keep it at that because my posts seem to be all like BLAH BLAH BLAH I HAVE NO MONEY BLAH BLAH BLAH I'M POOR! ! ! If you get a chance take a look at the junk I have on ebay HERE

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Fresh Prince 90's print and Wah inspired Nails

Today was a complete fail on the uni front, I got my dissertation appointment time wrong after cycling through torrential rain to get there. Granted, I wasn't dressed appropriately for rain...Aaaanyway, I continued tidying my room, it's taking DAYS! It actually looked like a charity shop had thrown up over it. Hence I'll have about 30 pieces of clothing to put on Ebay this week so watch this space. I love this shirt I found, not bad for a fiver, I just cut out the shoulders and voila I am the Fresh Prince of Bell Air! 
wedge trainers
Shirt dress : Vintage , Wedge Trainers : H&M , Chain necklace : Peacocks , Bracelets : Gina Tricot

I'm sorry, I really thought it would make a difference but no amount of tie dye blue silk will disguise the grotty shittiness of my carpet.

Then because I have far too much time on my hands/want to impress at my interview tomorrow I did my nails, took me about 3 hours mind.

nail art

Sick yeah? I am pretty much a man, it takes serious patience and commitment/boredom to be arsed to do nail art like this. Really pointless, but pretty so worth it maybe? I'm gonna cry when these bad boys chip. REALLY. Hope all this hard work pays off and I get the job tomorrow.

Night X

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Fishnets, flatforms, styling and a lovely day out at the Louboutin exhibition

I lied when I said I would be posting more after my exams I've been having too much fun at night time to allow time for posting waahhhh! But this will be a long post which makes up for that no? 

This is what I put on today, repping a cheeky bit of last nights make-up.The most worrying thing is, I wore something very similar to go out last night.

Denim Jacket : Ebay and DIY, Crop top : Topshop sale , Shorts : Wangler DIY , Bumbag : Vintage Moschino , Fishnets : Primark , Flatforms : Ebay , Necklaces : Borrowed from various individuals

I love my studded denim Jacket, some lovely drunk girls were raving over it last night in Dixie Chicken.
For some reason I look like I have a shiny gold tooth in this picture. I don't.

As I write I'm sat in bed with a hangover listening to Lecs Luther, calm and sexy stuff. Have a listen?

I had the pleasure of styling another shoot for my friend Hanna Hillier over at The Sheet on Saturday for Next Models. We had a great time, the model Sara Semic was great and a bit of a legend Hanna got some amazing shots (as always) and I just threw clothes on someone beautiful. Here's a couple of preview shots from the shoot:

I love how she works the double denim in the second picture, so much better than Britney and Justin circa 2001 haha! 

Also this week me and Jackie got all cultural and went to the Christian Louboutin exhibition at the design museum, needless today it was amazing

We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the exhibition but the lovely curator let me dick around by the entrance :)

Me and Jackie both agreed the best part of the exhibition was definitely the Louboutin X David Lynch fetish room. Some of the designs are pretty dark, I love the ones where the heels are too long for the shoe. The photography is amazing, I can imagine the stories behind them so vividly.

Here's a few pairs we wanted to steal from the main exhibition...see the theme occurring here

I just got a call and I have an Interview at Miss Selfridge Oxford Circus on Friday, I'm absolutely shitting myself.. any pointers guys? 

Anyway, here's my wishlist for this week :

  1. Boohoo bag : Reminds me of the Alexander Wang Marion bag which I LOVE!
  2. Tee and Cake London Map T-Shirt 
  3. River-Island Bikini: I LOVE this print, also the girly frills are cute.
  4. Miss Selfridge Shirt: Love the paisley print
  5. River-Island Crop top : I could probably NEVER  pull this off but I love the tackiness of it.
  6. Lavish-Alice shirt
  7. Romwe T shirt

If and when I get a job I am going to purchase ALL OF THESE THINGS.....

Saturday, 26 May 2012

80's playsuit, sunshine and a pair of round glasses

Playsuit : Vintage fair , Sleeveless cropped denim jacket : Primark , Sunny G's : ASOS , Shoes : Jackies converse.

In England it's summer now, London is so hot, everyone is half naked and hells to the yes do you need to go to Costa Coffee and get a fruit cooler (the raspberry and orange one is DIVINE).
Me and Jackie went to the park today to get a tan. I love tanning, every summer without fail I get this obsession with getting darker. I think it's so weird that some celebrities like Lil' Kim and Rihanna bleach their skin whilst the fake tan industry is worth millions! I think there's something so beautiful about really dark skin, it really brings out colours and makes them pop.

I finally put my rainbow laces I bought the other week in my Dr Marten's, every time I look down at my feet they make me smile :)

I'm going to keep this short and sweet, as I'm writing this I'm desperate to get back to my new favourite blog; I seriously can't get enough of . I wouldn't be surprised if I never surface again SO MANY CHEESY WEIRD 90'S VIDEOS!!!!! Over the last couple of days (whilst I should have been revising) I've been perusing some fucking ace blogs/tumblrs, you know how it is when you're trying to learn about glaciers.

Here's a few inspiring/funny/interesting blogs I have been loving at the moment:

Night Night

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Studded shoulders, Jeffrey Campbells and a Summery dress, quitting my job and Chloe Green's shoes

Jacket: eBay and DIY

Dress: Topshop , Fishnets: Primark , Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell , Necklace: Marc Jacobs

So this week has been really weird...I went for a catch up lunch with my friend Emily and ended up going to Brighton for a couple of days which was amazing! BUT I had to quit my job as a shot girl which was ridiculously stressful. If you don't know of what  being a shot girl consists of here's a run down:

  1.  Most shifts took place in crappy West End clubs, where I was required to wear 'thick foundation' and 'fake eyelashes at all times' along with a 'sexy, short, tight dress and heels'.
  2. I then had to pay up to £110 per bottle of alcohol up front (before selling anything) and provide my own mixers (red bull or lime cordial).
  3. Then I had to MAJORLY under-pour alcohol ( to even earn any money, I had to use 1/3 of alcohol that would normally be used by the bar) to drunk cretins who have no respect for my personal space.
  4. I'd  sell  shots for six hours at prices that were £2 cheaper than the bar but nobody bloody wants to buy them.
  5. Then I'd get to the end of the night, if I hadn't sold the '2 bottle minimum' (which is extremely hard with five other girls trying to do the same thing) I have to pay £220 and often leave with nothing.
The amount of money I made rendered the job something more like the worlds shittest hobby (if your hobby is being groped by disgusting city boys and bitched at by chavvy girls). I did have a few really good nights but I think the things I had to put up with took the shine off a bit. My manager/pimp didn't really care about me, so I finally just said you know what...shove the job I'm worth more than that.

Rant over.

So this week saw the launch of Chloe Green's shoe range for Topshop. 

But on the upside, things may be looking up for me where the fashion world is concerned, I think I may be getting more styling work (watch this space) and I'm free to pursue a part time job (hopefully in  shop I like) that doesn't involve debasing myself for money :) 

The glass is half full.