Monday, 23 June 2014

#OOTD - Primark white duster + Vintage shirt

nike air max blogger
primark white coat
round sunglasses
Jacket - Primark , Shirt - Vintage , Skirt - Primark , Sunglasses - Pressie , Bag - C/O Paul's Boutique

Hello my lovelies! Hope you had a marvelous weekend, thank god I managed to get through it with minimal sunburn (yep I always manage it) and not a hangover in sight.

I wore this last week to the Schuh house party I went to with Jen & Beth. It was AMAZING! The best possible end to a 3 day juice cleanse - vodka, bubbly and Macaroni cheese galore. Surprisingly, I didn't spill anything on my new white jacket. I saw this coat at the Primark SS14 press day and I have been on the lookout ever since, by that I mean I asked jen every day if she'd seen it in store yet. Also, I'm really happy I wore this shirt, I bought it a couple of years ago in a charity shop and haven't really worn it much and I think it looks quite nice :D YAAAAY!

 Going to keep this short and sweet, I'm bloody tired and it's about a million degrees in here, hot laptop on my legs is not great right now. I'm pretty sure I'll read this back in the morning and it's going to read a bit like a passage from Angus Thongs but hey ho.

I'll be back soon :) 

Photo's by Bethany Grace

Sunday, 8 June 2014

#OOTD - Forever 21 Tie Dye Dress

Dress - Forever 21, Sandals - ASOS, Sunglasses - ASOS, Earrings - Ebay, Bag - Primark, Watch - C/O Anne Klein

How sunny and lovely has it been this weekend?? Despite my raging hangover me and Rob took a few steps out of our front door to go laze around on Streatham common, armed with tinnies & books. I wore my new favourite dress (which was only £14.99!!!!) and not much else he he! And big thanks to my friend Rachelle for hooking me up with the most amaaaaazing Anne Klein watch - I LAVS IT!

Thanks so much for the lovely comments on my last post and being so understanding even though I was having a bit of a rant :D . Really made me want to keep blogging, knowing people don't think my blog is shit makes me all warm and funny inside :) Also, I'm thinking I might do a Youtube haul video later because I want to share all the beautiful things I've bought lately with you - let me know if that's a shit boring idea? Anyway, going to keep this one short and sweet as I'm heading into central to go check out the Gumball 3000 supercars WOOOO!

Sunday, 1 June 2014

HANGOVER DAY: Cats Bros & Nike Benassi

tupac t shirtDSC02755DSC02751 sliders blogger
T-Shirt - C/O Cats Bros-HERE , Jumpsuit - Primark , Nike Benassi slides - via Schuh HERE , Bag - Primark , Sunny G's - Pressie from Jen electro Ringss - ASOS , New Look , Topshop , Lucky Little Blighters - similar HERE

This is going to be a quick one as  today I  have a hangover and to combat that I'm about to go spend the rest of the afternoon in a beer garden getting over it :) Recently, the uber talented legends at Cats Bros contacted me and asked me if I wanted one of their hand embroidered T shirts and of course I said hell yeah! A friend of mine Stacey, who works for them bought the label to my attention, and I love their vibe. Superstars such as Eazy E, Tupac and the Beastie boys have been lovingly illustrated and hand embroidered on the coolest T shirts in the world! And I've got to mention the sliders, at £16 you cannot get a pair of comfier shoes. I definitely prefer this type of shoe with a laid back look on me, I am a NO CHIC ZONE! 

Anyway, I'm not sure if anyone still reads this or really cares about my lack of commitment to this blog lately, who knows but I think I might keep going with it. I keep fannying around, wondering if I should continue with this blogging malarky. Things have changed with my life, and with blogging. And god knows how I've ranted about the blogging world in the past. It's slightly frustrating that those who get the most recognition are the ones who you would never see wearing that shit outside, really?? On the other hand I know I can't really complain because if that's what people like and want to see I can't argue with that. But, the main reason I  think this all boils down to the fact my boyfriend grumbles EVERY TIME I ask him to take pictures of me. Yeah Rob it's all your fault :)
Happy Sunday XXX

Photos by Rob Greaves