Showing posts with label styling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label styling. Show all posts

Friday, 9 November 2012

Styling work : Molly Myrsten

Go check out the shoot on the Next website HERE 

I definitely told myself I was going to blog every day this week, lo and behold winter blues has got the better of me until now so in the interest of being short and swett here goes...

Last week I went to my friend Hanna Hilliers place to do some styling for a test shoot she was doing with a lovely model called Molly Myrsten. I don't get to do much styling work because my uni work takes up all my time, but on the rare occasion I get to I LOVE IT! It's so satisfying to see a shoot I have had some kind of impact in to on the Next Models website too. I love working with Hanna because not only is she one of my best friends, but she is an amazing photographer and so creative she comes out with amazing work. She's given me the opportunity to style some amazing models and  love her even more for it :)

and this is why I'm not a photographer- cheeky finger on the lens haha!

Some behind the scenes shots by me :)

Is anybody else an aspiring stylist? I'd love to check out your work and get any tips from anyone :) Have a lovely weekend 


Frankie xxx

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Fishnets, flatforms, styling and a lovely day out at the Louboutin exhibition

I lied when I said I would be posting more after my exams I've been having too much fun at night time to allow time for posting waahhhh! But this will be a long post which makes up for that no? 

This is what I put on today, repping a cheeky bit of last nights make-up.The most worrying thing is, I wore something very similar to go out last night.

Denim Jacket : Ebay and DIY, Crop top : Topshop sale , Shorts : Wangler DIY , Bumbag : Vintage Moschino , Fishnets : Primark , Flatforms : Ebay , Necklaces : Borrowed from various individuals

I love my studded denim Jacket, some lovely drunk girls were raving over it last night in Dixie Chicken.
For some reason I look like I have a shiny gold tooth in this picture. I don't.

As I write I'm sat in bed with a hangover listening to Lecs Luther, calm and sexy stuff. Have a listen?

I had the pleasure of styling another shoot for my friend Hanna Hillier over at The Sheet on Saturday for Next Models. We had a great time, the model Sara Semic was great and a bit of a legend Hanna got some amazing shots (as always) and I just threw clothes on someone beautiful. Here's a couple of preview shots from the shoot:

I love how she works the double denim in the second picture, so much better than Britney and Justin circa 2001 haha! 

Also this week me and Jackie got all cultural and went to the Christian Louboutin exhibition at the design museum, needless today it was amazing

We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the exhibition but the lovely curator let me dick around by the entrance :)

Me and Jackie both agreed the best part of the exhibition was definitely the Louboutin X David Lynch fetish room. Some of the designs are pretty dark, I love the ones where the heels are too long for the shoe. The photography is amazing, I can imagine the stories behind them so vividly.

Here's a few pairs we wanted to steal from the main exhibition...see the theme occurring here

I just got a call and I have an Interview at Miss Selfridge Oxford Circus on Friday, I'm absolutely shitting myself.. any pointers guys? 

Anyway, here's my wishlist for this week :

  1. Boohoo bag : Reminds me of the Alexander Wang Marion bag which I LOVE!
  2. Tee and Cake London Map T-Shirt 
  3. River-Island Bikini: I LOVE this print, also the girly frills are cute.
  4. Miss Selfridge Shirt: Love the paisley print
  5. River-Island Crop top : I could probably NEVER  pull this off but I love the tackiness of it.
  6. Lavish-Alice shirt
  7. Romwe T shirt

If and when I get a job I am going to purchase ALL OF THESE THINGS.....

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Styling a goddess, bit of Boy London and a road trip to Newcastle

Last weekend was the best weekend ever! My friend Hanna Hillier called me up and asked if I could style a  photo shoot for her with this AMAZING model Daniela Braga. Daniela was phenomenal, beautiful, lovely and  she has an amazing back catalogue of work; she did Paris fashion week, New York AND she shot a campaign for Givenchy a couple of weeks before the shoot we did!! I was so nervous but I'm really chuffed as the shots actually made it on to the next website. Here are a few of my favourites:

I love how she is wearing my Nikes in thee last shot :)
Despite the language barrier (she is Brazilian) we got along really well, she was so down to earth and probably the most gorgeous person I have ever seen in the flesh.

Then on Sunday I went shopping to Topshop with my dad and his lovely girlfriend, tried on half the shop and got an insane amount of new clothes which I will no doubt be sharing with you in due course. This is what I wore on that little excursion:

Top : Gina Tricot, Jeans : Topshop, Shoes : Underground (My little sister's)

This weekend the much exalted student loan came in - my quality of life has gone  through the roof as a result. First thing I did was purchase this beater (as my boyfriend would call it) from Boy London:

I've been wanting one for ages and I like to think one day my future child will thank me for it. By the way, that is now how I'm justifying my clothing and accessories binging. My mum hasn't really got any of her clothes from the 80's and 90's left due to moving country etc. I am always so jealous of my friends amazing vintage wardrobes courtesy of their mothers, so buying copious  amounts of interesting clothes is my way of helping out my future daughter with hers. 
The beater should be at my house by the time I get back from Newcastle, YEAH BUDDY!!!!

At the moment I'm all the way up in Newcastle for my friends Gabby's boyfriends house night Nocturnal Playground, also I'm told in Newcastle they sell triples behind the bar WTF?? I think tonight might be very messy.

We experienced the delights of  Newcastle today at the Metro Centre, I didn't really buy anything because I literally don't need any more clothes after this weekend but it all right, not as god as Westfield London though mind. This is what I wore during the day:

Top/dress : Topshop , Leggings : Black Milk , Boots : Dr Martens , Earrings : Miss Selfridge

 I apologise for the weird facial expression, I should really start putting a paper bag over my face haha!

This is what I'm wearing tonight when we go out:
Bodysuit : Miss selfridge , Disco Pants : American apparel , Boots : Jeffrey Campbell

I am absolutely DREADING the coach back to London tomorrow afternoon, seven hours in hungover hell, hopefully it will be empty so I can spread out over a couple of seats. Wish me luck