Showing posts with label Topshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Topshop. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 August 2013

#OOTD : Topshop Kimono, Sheer T shirt, Ravers and GS Shop



 T shirt - ASOS
Kimono - Topshop
Jeans - Topshop Joni
Shoes - Topshop Ravers via Ebay



So yesterday I attended the GS Shop show with my girl Jen and this is what I wore :) If you follow me on Instagram ( @Frankiegd) you are probably sick of seeing this red kimono I got from Topshop a while back (I've got matching shorts to how cool is that!), it's my staple jacket a the moment whilst it's too hot for denim. For some reason outfit planning doesn't work for me and this is the result, I always end up throwing something on last minute - refer back to my LFW outfits last year haha! 

The GS Shop show, which I was lucky enough to attend thanks to Pop PR comprised the work of  four Korean Central St Martins alumni designers. All four shows seemed to be A/W to me, a little confusing ( I'm hating A/W coming in the shops at the moment, still in summer mode) but I loved the coats and jackets - especially the mens ones from Xess Homme. I wasn't overly jazzed by anything in particular but I've included a few photos of my favorite looks from a couple of the designers. 

All in all I  had a great time, and a hangover by 9pm thanks to the champers. This show got me SO EXCITED for London Fashion Week which is coming up very soon, I'm actually trying to plan shit this time - got some cool bits and pieces to wear and plenty of amazing shows to see. If any of you are going to be around this London Fashion Week let me know :) It would be great to meet up!


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Vintage Prints - Beau Homme - Haul Video

2013-06-26 14.03.07
2013-06-26 14.01.46
2013-06-26 14.00.55

Jacket : Vintage Basement
Trousers : Vintage Basement
Top : H&M
Shoes : Topshop
Necklace : Oxfam
Bracelets : Asos
Earrings : Primark

I friggin' love Vintage Basement! I mentioned it the other day in a post but I didn't get  to show you my goodies :D I wore this outfit to the Beau Homme menswear presentation the other night and I lav the mix of prints - it even got my dads coveted seal of approval. I went to the presentation at the invitation of the awesomeness that is Jen  - met some legends, ogled fit models and saw this girl who dare I say it looked exactly like Rihanna (so much so I did a double take) but then I realized she was actually better looking :O
 AND GUESS WHAT?? You guys should be proud of me - I think it is the only event I've attended as a blogger with a free bar and I haven't got absolutely hammered YAY ME *pats self on the back*

Anyway...I am counting down the days till Sunday when I get to leave horrid grey London and escape to 35 degree heat. AAAAAAND I'm well up for doing holiday outfit blog posts, got so many bikinis/neon/vintage/prints/crazy ish to whip out for the lads :D 

Oh and I forgot to tell you guys I did another Youtube haul video the other day .... Filmed it on a camera from 2001 so just pretend it's supposed to be all cool and vintage like that hahaha!

lots of love :)

Thursday, 31 January 2013

I VLOGGED YO :) haul video : Charity Shops / Christmas / Sales / Urban Outfitters ...

Hey guys!!! I wanted to do a photo charity shop haul post the other day, but I thought I'd go one step further and make a haul video :) Luckily,  I managed to cut it down quite a bit so I don't look like a compulsive shopper... I hope you enjoy it, not sure if it's boring as fuck but hey ho <3

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Braids, prints and shoe porn

box braids
So I braided my hair myself YUP!

 Shirt : charity shop
Skirt : Topshop
Bowler : Ebay
Necklace : Peacocks
Flatforms : Office 

After spending about 10 hours over the last two days braiding my own hair I thought I'd share it and an outfit post with you guys. I missed my braids from before but I couldn't afford to get them professionally done so I bit the bullet, watched a few youtube videos and did it myself. The back is less than amazing, but hey I saved myself £60!!!
 Even though I have only left the house for about two hours today I got all dressed up (been living in my Basketball Jersey for days ugghhh). I have only worn this shirt once since I bought it and I'm so glad I wore it today, I love the matching print tops and bottoms I've seen on the high street lately in Topshop and River-Island and thought I'd do my own thing but similar with monochrome prints. I LOVE the crazy ikat midi I got from Topshop, I don't wear skirts (always shorts) much during the day because I HATE HATE HATE leering and comments from weirdo men, but this is great I don't feel too exposed! The flatforms were only £8.50 from Office in the sale and I've been eyeing them up for MONTHS! So happy!

Anyway I'm back to being poor as me and my girls have just put a deposit down on a new flat YAY , so back to fantasising about nice things,  I'll share my shoe porn with you ;)

  1. Urban Outfitters : £14
  2. Office : £70 - I NEED THESE RIGHT NOW
  3. Zara : £49.99
  4. Office : £140 - Small obsession with Timberlands at the moment
  5. Zara : £79.99
  6. Mango : £74.99 - Fetish sandals , need I say more :)
  7. Dr Martens Asos : £116.00
  8. Air Max 90 Drome : £99.99

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Clashing prints and wedge trainers : Summer has arrived !!

Today, like most of my days lately has been all about revision. I only have six more days till my exams are over and it is already SO HOT and sunny. I cycled home from uni today and you don't even want to know how sweaty I got... Anyway, I was having a bit of a clothing crisis today, I have a new-found hatred for my legs (developed in the last 24 hours I'm sure) and I couldn't find the clothes I actually wanted to wear soooooo this is what happened (apologies for the mirror photos, my lovely house-mate Jackie was indisposed this afternoon :

Trousers : Warehouse via a charity shop , Bralet : Topshop sale 

Wedge trainers : H&M
Lipstick : Rimmel Coral Queen , Earrings : Primark

I don't usually clash my prints like this but today it was the only outfit I put on I actually liked. I bought these trousers quite a while ago at a charity shop in Dalston and haven't worn them until now, finally feel as though I'm getting my moneys worth YESSSSSSSS:) 

I ended up having  a really productive day and I even got round to making this pizza from scratch and doesn't it look yummy? 

Spinach, Chilli, Egg and Cheese pizza and It's square because I decided I like square pizzas :D

I saw an awesome Wah nails design on The Secret Avenue  and immediately set about doing my own version with pink nail varnish, a black Sharpie and a Rimmel matt top coat (I bit my nails to bits so sorry they're a bit gross).
The only camera I had to hand this evening was the one on my phone which is pretty atrocious (HTC SORT IT OUT), in my head though it's the same as Instagram because it does make photos look like they are a bit shitty and old anyway WITHOUT downloading an app.

I really really need to do some shopping soon before I wither away, River Island at the moment OH MY GOODNESS SO MUCH STUFF I NEED IN MY LIFE!!!!!

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Studded shoulders, Jeffrey Campbells and a Summery dress, quitting my job and Chloe Green's shoes

Jacket: eBay and DIY

Dress: Topshop , Fishnets: Primark , Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell , Necklace: Marc Jacobs

So this week has been really weird...I went for a catch up lunch with my friend Emily and ended up going to Brighton for a couple of days which was amazing! BUT I had to quit my job as a shot girl which was ridiculously stressful. If you don't know of what  being a shot girl consists of here's a run down:

  1.  Most shifts took place in crappy West End clubs, where I was required to wear 'thick foundation' and 'fake eyelashes at all times' along with a 'sexy, short, tight dress and heels'.
  2. I then had to pay up to £110 per bottle of alcohol up front (before selling anything) and provide my own mixers (red bull or lime cordial).
  3. Then I had to MAJORLY under-pour alcohol ( to even earn any money, I had to use 1/3 of alcohol that would normally be used by the bar) to drunk cretins who have no respect for my personal space.
  4. I'd  sell  shots for six hours at prices that were £2 cheaper than the bar but nobody bloody wants to buy them.
  5. Then I'd get to the end of the night, if I hadn't sold the '2 bottle minimum' (which is extremely hard with five other girls trying to do the same thing) I have to pay £220 and often leave with nothing.
The amount of money I made rendered the job something more like the worlds shittest hobby (if your hobby is being groped by disgusting city boys and bitched at by chavvy girls). I did have a few really good nights but I think the things I had to put up with took the shine off a bit. My manager/pimp didn't really care about me, so I finally just said you know what...shove the job I'm worth more than that.

Rant over.

So this week saw the launch of Chloe Green's shoe range for Topshop. 

But on the upside, things may be looking up for me where the fashion world is concerned, I think I may be getting more styling work (watch this space) and I'm free to pursue a part time job (hopefully in  shop I like) that doesn't involve debasing myself for money :) 

The glass is half full.