Showing posts with label irony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label irony. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

East London Style Bible, Moschino Bumbag and a weekend to remember

I wasn't going to blog today on account of being very bored with nothing interesting to say and all my pics coming out ugly (really should be revising meh -_-) , but then I cam across this article on Vice that tickled me. SERIOUSLY this book needs it's name changed from Worst Fashions: What we shouldn't have worn but did to Mystic Meg/Gandalf I Can Tell The Future East London Style Bible. I think the majority of us (I know I am) are offenders according to this book : 
(Via Vice)

I'm literally sat here at my desk pissing myself laughing, the irony is ridiculous! If you saw my last post you'll probably know I bought a shell suit jacket last week.... oh and this came for me today.


This weekend my friend Emilie came back to London and it was WONKY. We went to The Waiting Room in Stoke Newington for the joint first birthday of Getddownordie and Daruma Vision. From what I remember it was pretty good, although there is a hazy memory of a bouncer shining a light in my eyes and a random helping me outside,  missed the cake fight :( . If he had just let me sleep in the corner I would have been fine get the jist of how crazy it was you should probably watch this video :

Then we went to Love Fever with Wolf+Lamb on Sunday afternoon, got the dirtiest looks from the grannies on the bus swigging gin from a  Jägermeister  bottle at 4 in the afternoon. Needless to say we had a really good time, this is what I wore:
Top: Primark cut into a crop top , Trousers: American apparel, Socks: Primark, Boots: Dr martens, Necklace: Peacocks.

I know I LIVE in my Disco Pants but really having spent £70 on them I am desperate to get my moneys worth out of them and the go with everything.
Also, for ages ow I have wanted to post a look with my rainbow cardie I thrifted a while back. This is what I wore to watch City beat Man U at the pub:
Cardie: Charity Shop, Dress: H&M, 

Despite one of my friends insisting it's horrid,  I wear it LOADS, it's lovely and warm and bright. It reminds me of my grandma ( I hope she is reading this now she got an i Pad for her birthday... or maybe not sorry Mam). 

I've been thinking I need to change up my hair, I straighten it everyday and it's just looking sad, I can't afford another Brazilian Blowout so I was thinking of doing something like this:

Whatcha think? 

Sadly, I probably won't be posting for some time because I can't stop watching Bleak House and losing my train of thought and should be revising :( 