Sunday, 4 May 2014

#OOTD - May the 4th be with you

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Dress - ASOS , Belt - Vintage via ebay , Bag - C/O Paul's Boutique , Sunglasses - Jeepers Peepers via ASOS , Shoes - Topshop , Statement ring - one off piece C/O Lucky Little Blighters

Hello hello! Long time no see? I'm back with some summery goodness, a grown up job and a new hairstyle! I know I'm not the most regular of bloggers but something about Sunshine makes me want to wear pretty things and make my boyfriend take pictures of me in the middle of the road - so hopefully there'll be more to come.


  • You are now looking at the newest lingerie and accessories Allocator at Boux Avenue WOOO!!! BALLIN'
  • I've moved in with my lovely boyfriend of six years Rob and it's domestic bliss up in here
  • I went a bit blonde, when I inevitably get bored of it I don't know if I'm going to dye it violet or pink HELP?
  • I've embarked on a health & fitness journey (that sounds so wanky sorry) and have already lost 11lb - trust me I know I'm not looking like a skinny minnie now but progress is progress.
  • I have a new found LOVE of brown lipstick, so questionable but so good!

At the slightest hint of sunshine I like loads of you I'm sure decide to wear less clothes as if it's 30 degrees out . I was very lucky this week, as I was perusing ASOS for a new bag, I was contacted by the lovely Lizzie from Pauls Boutique who let me pick out a bag. Green is forevs my fave colour and I can't really let myself have a big bag otherwise it becomes a sack of shit in no time, so I chose the Suki in Pistachio HERE, and it's perfect!
 I am also doubly, triply lucky to have had the lovely Maura, designer of the fantastical Lucky Little Blighters jewellery create this one off custom ring for me (see massive gold thing of beauty attached to my middle finger above). My first bit of proper grown up valuable jewellery and I'm loving it, go and check out more of Maura's beautiful designs HERE.

Glad to be back! 



  1. Such cute sunnies! You've also persuaded me to buy some pool sliders, love them!x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love your outfit and glad things are going well for you :)



  4. Sunglasses and belt are both amazing.

    Claudia xxx

  5. I love this so much! that belt is such an amazing find. you look so beautiful (violet in your hair would look fab) x

  6. Adore that belt, what a great find! Congratulations on your new job :)

    Hayley | Taxi for Jackson x

  7. Congratulations on your new job :) I think brown lipstick really suits you X

  8. Missed you love! We need to meet up for a drink soon. You look cracking xxx

  9. That belt is incredible - totally makes the outfit! Massive congratulations on your weight loss - I'm struggling to even lost the first couple so that's pretty impressive :) xx

    Kirsty at Just Like Heaven

  10. great to hear from you again Frankie u lookin fab as always (:

  11. You executed this outfit perfectly and I'm glad things are going right for you. :)

  12. Congrats on the new job! Loving your belt, such a cool add to the dress! xx

  13. well done on your job!! you always look lovely in white! and im a fan of brown lipstick too! xx


:) Thanks for commenting, makes my day reading lovely things. If you have a question feel free and I will comment back asap x