Monday 18 June 2012

Sunday Goth in a camouflage jacket : What I wore today

Hope all you guys have had a lovely weekend,  mine's been WEIRD. We ended up somewhere in the arse end of Camden and tube journey the next morning was HARROWING. You'd think people on the Piccadilly line at 8 in the morning had never seen a girl in fishnets and platform trainers before HA! 
I don't know what it is about Sundays that makes me moody, maybe it's because it's nearly Monday, maybe it's because I'm always hangover. But Sundays are rubbish. So befitting to my sad Sunday mood I went a bit gothic hooker. Here's what I wore:

Lipstick : Revlon Va Va Violet

Negligee worn as a top : Peacocks (old) , Shorts : Levi 501 , Camo jacket : £7  Camden (Fuck you Urban outfitters) , Suspender belt : Anne Summers , Stockings : Tights DIY , Boots : Dr Martens , Sunny G's : Primark , Necklace : Found it somewhere.

Sorry, currently sat here with a bunch of the guys watching I Love You Man for the 50 billionth time so I went a bit overboard with the effects on the photos. I'm going  window shopping around Oxford Circus tomorrow, might see if I can get myself a little something to cheer myself up.

Aaaaaaanyway... I'll just keep it at that because my posts seem to be all like BLAH BLAH BLAH I HAVE NO MONEY BLAH BLAH BLAH I'M POOR! ! ! If you get a chance take a look at the junk I have on ebay HERE


  1. love the outfit the tights are amazing,


  2. Loving the suspender combo with the camo jacket aaah amazing!! xx

    1. Thanks :D I love suspenders, never get to wear them enough! XX

  3. oooo likey this saucy look.

    J x

  4. love this look!! sexy chick!

    check out my blog and my give away!

    esme x

  5. hellooo hottie! love the stockings, your outfits are all so cool! x

  6. that's a really edgy look, and it fits you perfectly! i especially love the stockings and suspenders- it adds some dimension to the look- and those round sunglasses really ties it all together :))

    1. Thanks :) I'm a huge fan of round sunglasses, can't get enough!! XX

  7. Looking HOT x

  8. you look amazing! im totally on the hunt for a camo jacket now!

    1. I LIVE in mine definitely a must have :) thanks :) X

  9. wow cool camo jacket! looks exactly like the urban outfitters one!

    Sharna <3

  10. Loving the clash of the two styles :) Very cool!

  11. your style fucking ROCKS. for real

  12. You look bangin. you're so gorgeous x


:) Thanks for commenting, makes my day reading lovely things. If you have a question feel free and I will comment back asap x