Showing posts with label urban outfitters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urban outfitters. Show all posts

Thursday, 31 January 2013

I VLOGGED YO :) haul video : Charity Shops / Christmas / Sales / Urban Outfitters ...

Hey guys!!! I wanted to do a photo charity shop haul post the other day, but I thought I'd go one step further and make a haul video :) Luckily,  I managed to cut it down quite a bit so I don't look like a compulsive shopper... I hope you enjoy it, not sure if it's boring as fuck but hey ho <3

Sunday, 6 January 2013

HELLO 2013 Mana mean Bidness



Jacket : Vintage 
T shirt : C/O Educate Elevate
Skirt : Urban Outfitters sale £20
Boots : Agyness Deyn X Dr Martens sale £105


Kimono (can't really see it) : Matalan (Christmas Present)
Vest : Boy London 
Jeans : American Apparel Easy Jeans
Boots : Agyness Deyn X Dr Martens sale £105


Midnight Cat and Granny ( + Prosecco haha)

 Better late than never :) Hey guys so I'm back with a new camera I don't know how to work (hence dodge pictures) and a bunch of new clothes and stuff YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I hope you all had amazing Christmases (if that's a word) and New Yearssss. Mine was so good, I loved every minute spent with my lovely family and friends, all the food booze and presents. New years was spectacular, as usual Cooney had a house party which was very messy...I didn't help tidy sorry Chris. New years day Shapes at Motion was full of lovely Bristol madness -  personal highlight being Emilie dressed as a breaded cat, oh and finding the can of Strongbow I saved behind a railing on the way home. 
So I'm back to blogging again and I can't wait to see what happens, going to start doing videos too if anyone fancies seeing how much of an utter weirdo I am :) I've even bought a tripod so I can stop bothering Emma and Gab to take photos of me. Aaaanyway, quickly, the first outfit is what I wore today around Brick lane Market shopping with my sister. Second one is for dinner with the famalam and friends, I bought the Aggy strap boots for myself for Christmas (how sad is that??), they haven't left my feet. And the last picture, I just wanted to show you guys my Midnight Cat Kigu my dad got me for Christmas, HOW BLOODY AMAZING IS IT? Safe to say I've worn it everyday since, made the postman chuckle, it even got Granny's seal of approval. 

Have a lovely Sunday ^_^

